Chai Tour Office
Bangkok, 2009
Chai Tour Co.,ltd.
Scope Work
Architectural, Interior, Structural and System Engineering Design
The Office which be located in 396 square meters of plot on Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra road, Yannawa, Bangkok. Chai Tour is a unique tourist firm : high level of services, great vision and characteristic. The maximum space for landscape to be priority requirement, other way round this small plot still require more than 900 square meters of usable area.
The design concept to create the space which simple but functional and reflects the sense of relaxation. As well as the green concept, most of the functional space can have direct and indirect natural light but less heat transmissible. Using wooden louvers with pattern for wall and roof can reduce heat and glare and be good part of the accent for building. To minimize the walls and interior partitions, especially the reception and living area on ground level, including all hall and main circulation on every floor, and design good opening on right direction which can pull the wind into the building, The building can breath.